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How to create a vanity v2 Tor .onion web address

How to create a vanity v2 Tor .onion web address

This tutorial will show you how to create a vanity v2 tor onion web address using eschalot, and install the vanity v2 tor onion web address to OnionLand Hosting.

If you are using Windows environment, you can check out the “How to create a vanity v2 Tor .onion web address on Windows”

Downloading Eschalot

Eschalot is a software and it allows end user to produce customized vanity .onion web address, such as producing onion address starting with some characters or containing some characters in the middle.

To download eschalot, you can download it in GitHub, which is the world’s largest open source development platform. There’s also a readme file in the GitHub page to show how to compile the software and how to use the software.

Using Eschalot

After downloading eschalot, you will have to compile the software before use. In Linux platform, open the terminal and navigate to the main director of the eschalot, and do make to compile the software.

After compiling eschalot, the software is then ready to use. There’s easy to read guideline to use the software. If you are generating a onion web address begining with ‘foo’, you can type the below command:

./eschalot -v -r ^foo

If you are generating a onion web address containing ‘foo’, you can type the below command:


./eschalot -v -r foo

If you would like to generate a long customized onion web address, however, this is not an easy task. The time to generate a customized onion web address is dependent to the given number of characters. That’s to say, if you give 5 characters and the software usually takes about 1 minute to genreate. But, if you give 7 characters, it may take you a day to generate a customized onion address. The performance statistic can be seen here.

Installing customized onion web address

After generating a customized onion web address, a RSA private key is generated in the terminal. You’ll have to copy the RSA private key, and this is used to install the customized onion web address to your hosting in OnionLand Hosting.

After signing in OnionLand Hosting, if you are new in OnionLand Hosting, you can create a new hosting. You’ll have to select “User provided private key” and paste the RSA private key into the input. Then, you can see you have just created a new hosting with the customized onion web address you’ve just created.

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